

Since: Editor 1.6

Get / set description information for the field.
Please note - this property requires the Editor extension for DataTables.

The full Editor reference documentation is available to registered users of Editor - the information shown below is a summary only. If you already have an Editor license please , alternatively an Editor license can be purchased on this site, or sign up for the free trial.


This method provides the ability to get and set an information string that would typically be used to describe a field, in terms of what data the end user is expected to enter (a particular format for example) or or what the data is used for. Although this method makes it possible to dynamically update the string shown, it is recommended that field().message() be used for dynamic content (allowing both the static information text and dynamic messaging to be shown at the same time).

A field description can be set when it is initially added to the form using the fields.fieldInfo option. This API method extends that ability by providing a method to get and set the field information message any point after a field has been added to the form.

Editor provides three different elements for information display in each field, which can be used independently of each other, or in conjunction as required by your user interface design: