DataTables extensions integration examples
DataTables has a wealth of extensions available that can be used to add additional features and options to your DataTables. This set of examples shows the integration between Editor and some of the extensions that explicitly support Editor.
Examples are given for extensions that specifically provide Editor integration options. For example FixedHeader, which provides a sticky header / footer for the table, doesn't require specific integration for Editor.
DataTables extensions
- Excel like keyboard navigation
- Excel like AutoFill feature
- AutoFill and KeyTable together
- Export buttons
- CSV import
- Responsive table extension
- Row reordering
- SearchBuilder Integration for Editor
- SearchBuilder Integration for Editor with PreDefined Criteria
- SearchBuilder Integration for Editor with Select Elements
- SearchPanes Integration for Editor
- SearchPanes Integration for Editor with CascadePanes
- SearchPanes Integration for Editor with ViewTotal