

Since: Editor 2.4

Tags input with search support.
Please note - this property requires the Editor extension for DataTables.

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Editor's built-in tags input type is a cross between a select list and an autocomplete field. It allows the end user to select from a searchable list of values, while having distinct values and labels for each option (i.e. ideal for a join) and the ability to have multiple values selected.

This type of input is particularly useful for cases when you might have a large list of options that you want the end user to select from, and when you want to provide a concise and simple multi-value input.

The input functions by showing an "Add" button when additional values can be selected, and when activated (by click or keyboard) shows the list of options available, and / or a search box.

The options shown can be static (i.e. similar to a select), or for larger data sets can be populated by Ajax (see the ajax option below). The options are populated using the same methods as select, datatable, and others - e.g.: field().update(), the options property for the field, or the options object of the JSON loaded into the DataTable.