

Since: Editor 1.0

Disable one or more fields, disallowing user input.
Please note - this property requires the Editor extension for DataTables.

The full Editor reference documentation is available to registered users of Editor - the information shown below is a summary only. If you already have an Editor license please , alternatively an Editor license can be purchased on this site, or sign up for the free trial.


It can at times be useful to disable a particular field, or set of fields, preventing the user from modifying the field's current value. This method provides exactly that ability.

While the field is disabled, it can still have its value set by set() or val().

This is the inverse of the enable() method which will enable a previously disabled field.

Note that the field().disable() method introduced in Editor 1.3 provides the same functionality as this method. Both forms will continue to be supported in future versions of Editor, and they can often be used interchangeably. The key difference is in the return value - this method will return a DataTables.Editor instance, while the field().disable() method returns a DataTables.Editor.Field instance. This can effect how you chain methods if you are using the returned value for chaining.