Thursday 8th November, 2018

Editor 1.8.1 release notes

Our first patch release for the 1.8.x Editor series which sees a number of little tweaks, particularly in relation to the Bootstrap 3/4 integration which has been improved.

For details on the changes in 1.8, please refer to the 1.8.0 release notes.


Downloads of specific versions of Editor are only available to license holders. Please see the download page for information about the current release version.

Release notes



  • Javascript
    • datetime did not respect minutesIncrement and secondsIncrement if hoursAvailable was specified.
    • If an Editor instance was configured with a template and it is destroyed, it should re-insert the template back into the document.
    • If immediately focusing on a field which uses a popup inside a modal, the position of that popup (e.g. the date / time picker) would be misaligned relative to the modal. Note that this issue is still present with Bootstrap 4.
  • PHP
    • Connection string format for SQL Server on windows (sqlsrv driver) was wrong if a port was specified
    • SQL error when inserting into two tables with a single submission
  • NodeJS
    • Sqlite doesn't support right joins so use an inner join for Mjoin
    • The demo package will now attempt to make a database query on start up (checking what tables are in the db) to allow an error message to immediately be shown on the console, rather than when a page is loaded. It is not an essential check and can safely be removed once your db configuration is working. This is purely to make the first run experience easier.
    • The Node demo package was including the Editor 1.7.4 Node packages rather than Editor 1.8
    • SQL error when inserting into multiple tables with a single submission
    • Demo package now listens on all interfaces, rather than just localhost (handy for VM development)
    • Present npm showing warnings about demo package not having a repo by marking it as private
  • .NET
    • Oracle with compound keys would report an error
    • sqlite driver doesn't return DateTime objects since Sqlite doesn't have a date format (its just strings), so make a best effort attempt to convert ISO8601 into a datetime.
    • Sqlite wasn't returning the added row id when inserting a new row
    • Updating second table in a single submit would result in an SQL error
    • Build dlls for .NET Framework 4.6 and 4.7
  • Styling
    • Bootstrap 3 and 4 - the new field processing indicator would be misaligned.
    • Bootstrap 4 integration - help text should be small by default
    • Bootstrap 4 integration - radio button labels had no spacing
    • Bootstrap 4 styling integration for the upload field type used incorrect classes for the "Choose file" and "Clear" buttons
    • Zurb Foundation - Auto focus in the Foundation modal wasn't working
  • Documentation
    • Clarify that either a return value or the callback should be used to complete a dependent() method call