Friday 10th April, 2015

Editor 1.4.2 release notes

Editor 1.4.2 is a quick release after the 1.4.1 release last week to address an issue whereby rows which were not part of a joined table could not be deleted. There are also a few other smaller fixes included, and detailed below.


Downloads of specific versions of Editor are only available to license holders. Please see the download page for information about the current release version.

Release notes


  • Fix - JS: Update Predefined TableTools buttons to not use chained API calls, but rather the new form for the editing methods with form options passed in. This removed any possibly of timing errors when cancelling an inline edit.


  • Fix - PHP: Use absolute namespace when checking for yajra PDO Oracle user space driver
  • Fix - PHP: Upload action as a function would cause a PHP error
  • Fix - PHP: Rows could not be deleted on no joined tables


  • Fix - .NET: Tables where there was no join could not have a row deleted
  • Fix - .NET: Tables without a join were giving an error on load


  • Update - example: In table controls API calls updated to not use the chaining API interface, but rather pass options in the form-options object. This removed any possibly of timing errors when cancelling an inline edit.