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UploadDb Method
Database configuration method. When used, this method will tell Editor what information you want to be wirtten to a database on file upload, should you wish to store relational information about your files on the database (this is generally recommended).

Namespace:  DataTables
Assembly:  DataTables (in DataTables.dll) Version: (
public Upload Db(
	string table,
	string pkey,
	Dictionary<string, Object> fields


Type: SystemString
Name of the table where the file information should be stored
Type: SystemString
Primary key column name. This is required so each row can be uniquely identified.
Type: System.Collections.GenericDictionaryString, Object
A list of the fields to be wirtten to on upload. The dictonary keys are used as the database column names and the values can be defined by the 'DbType' enum of this class. The value can also be a string, which will be written directly to the database, or a function which will be executed and the returned value written to the database.

Return Value

Type: Upload
Self for chanining
See Also