Editor PHP 2.4.1

in package

Helper class generating intervals from constraints

This contains utilities for:

  • compacting an existing constraint which can be used to combine several into one by creating a MultiConstraint out of the many constraints you have.

  • checking whether one subset is a subset of another.

Note: You should call clear to free memoization memory usage when you are done using this class

Table of Contents


clear()  : void
Clears the memoization cache once you are done
compactConstraint()  : ConstraintInterface
Attempts to optimize a MultiConstraint
get()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Creates an array of numeric intervals and branch constraints representing a given constraint
haveIntersections()  : bool
Checks whether $a and $b have any intersection, equivalent to $a->matches($b)
isSubsetOf()  : bool
Checks whether $candidate is a subset of $constraint



Clears the memoization cache once you are done

public static clear() : void


Attempts to optimize a MultiConstraint

public static compactConstraint(ConstraintInterface $constraint) : ConstraintInterface

When merging MultiConstraints together they can get very large, this will compact it by looking at the real intervals covered by all the constraints and then creates a new constraint containing only the smallest amount of rules to match the same intervals.

$constraint : ConstraintInterface
Return values


Creates an array of numeric intervals and branch constraints representing a given constraint

public static get(ConstraintInterface $constraint) : array<string|int, mixed>

if the returned numeric array is empty it means the constraint matches nothing in the numeric range (0 - +inf) if the returned branches array is empty it means no dev-* versions are matched if a constraint matches all possible dev-* versions, branches will contain Interval::anyDev()

$constraint : ConstraintInterface

array{'numeric': Interval[], 'branches': array{'names': string[], 'exclude': bool}}

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

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