Table of Contents
- Query
- Perform an individual query on the database.
- Result
- Result object given by a {@see Query} performed on a database.
- Database
- DataTables Database connection object.
- Field
- Field definitions for the DataTables Editor.
- Format
- Formatter methods for the DataTables Editor.
- Join
- Join table class for DataTables Editor.
- Mjoin
- The `Mjoin` class extends the `Join` class with the join data type set to 'array', whereas the `Join` default is `object` which has been rendered obsolete by the `Editor->leftJoin()` method. The API API is otherwise identical.
- Options
- The Options class provides a convenient method of specifying where Editor should get the list of options for a `select`, `radio` or `checkbox` field.
- SearchBuilderOptions
- The Options class provides a convenient method of specifying where Editor should get the list of options for a `select`, `radio` or `checkbox` field.
- SearchPaneOptions
- The Options class provides a convenient method of specifying where Editor should get the list of options for a `select`, `radio` or `checkbox` field.
- Upload
- Upload class for Editor. This class provides the ability to easily specify file upload information, specifically how the file should be recorded on the server (database and file system).
- Validate
- Validation methods for DataTables Editor fields.
- ValidateOptions
- Common validation options that can be specified for all validation methods.
- Editor
- DataTables Editor base class for creating editable tables.
- Ext
- Base class for DataTables classes.
- HtmLawedVanillaWrapper
- A class wrapper for the htmLawed library.
- DATATABLES = \true
- DataTables PHP libraries.
DataTables PHP libraries.
= \true
PHP libraries for DataTables and DataTables Editor.