Editor PHP 2.3.2

Mjoin extends Join
in package

The `Mjoin` class extends the `Join` class with the join data type set to 'array', whereas the `Join` default is `object` which has been rendered obsolete by the `Editor->leftJoin()` method. The API API is otherwise identical.

This class is recommended over the Join class.

Table of Contents


__construct()  : mixed
Join instance constructor.
aliasParentTable()  : mixed
Get / set parent table alias.
field()  : mixed
Get / set field instances.
fields()  : mixed
Get / set field instances.
get()  : mixed
Get / set get attribute.
inst()  : static
Static method to instantiate a new instance of a class (shorthand of 'instantiate').
instantiate()  : static
Static method to instantiate a new instance of a class.
join()  : mixed
Get / set join properties.
leftJoin()  : $this
Set up a left join operation for the Mjoined data.
link()  : $this
Create a join link between two tables. The order of the fields does not matter, but each field must contain the table name as well as the field name.
name()  : mixed
Get / set name.
order()  : mixed
Specify the property that the data will be sorted by.
set()  : mixed
Get / set set attribute.
table()  : mixed
Get / set join table name.
type()  : mixed
Get / set the join type.
validator()  : $this
Set a validator for the array of data (not on a field basis).
where()  : mixed
Where condition to add to the query used to get data from the database.
whereSet()  : mixed
Get / set if the WHERE conditions should be included in the create and edit actions.
_getSet()  : mixed
Common getter / setter function for DataTables classes.
_propExists()  : bool
Determine if a property is available in a data set (allowing `null` to be a valid value).
_readProp()  : mixed
Read a value from a data structure, using Javascript dotted object notation. This is the inverse of the `_writeProp` method and provides the same support, matching DataTables' ability to read nested JSON data objects.
_writeProp()  : mixed
Write the field's value to an array structure, using Javascript dotted object notation to indicate JSON data structure. For example `name.first` gives the data structure: `name: { first: ... }`. This matches DataTables own ability to do this on the client-side, although this doesn't implement implement quite such a complex structure (no array / function support).



Join instance constructor.

public __construct([string $table = null ][, string $type = 'object' ]) : mixed
$table : string = null

Table name to get the joined data from.

$type : string = 'object'

Work with a single result ('object') or an array of results ('array') for the join.


Get / set parent table alias.

public aliasParentTable([string $_ = null ]) : mixed

When working with a self referencing table (i.e. a column in the table contains a primary key value from its own table) it can be useful to set an alias on the parent table's name, allowing a self referencing Join. For example:

SELECT p2.publisher
FROM   publisher as p2
JOIN   publisher on (publisher.idPublisher = p2.idPublisher)

Where, in this case, publisher is the table that is used by the Editor instance, and you want to use Join to link back to the table (resolving a name for example). This method allows that alias to be set. Fields can then use standard SQL notation to select a field, for example p2.publisher or publisher.publisher.

$_ : string = null

Table alias to use

Return values

Table alias set (which is null by default).


Get / set field instances.

public field([Field $_ = null ]) : mixed

The list of fields designates which columns in the table that will be read from the joined table.

$_ : Field = null

Instances of the Field class, given as a single instance of Field, an array of Field instances, or multiple Field instance parameters for the function.


{@see Field} for field documentation.

Return values

Array of fields.


Get / set field instances.

public fields([Field $_ = null ]) : mixed

An alias of field, for convenience.

$_ : Field = null

Instances of the Field class, given as a single instance of Field, an array of Field instances, or multiple Field instance parameters for the function.


{@see Field} for field documentation.

Return values

Array of fields.


Get / set get attribute.

public get([bool $_ = null ]) : mixed

When set to false no read operations will occur on the join tables.

$_ : bool = null


Return values



Static method to instantiate a new instance of a class (shorthand of 'instantiate').

public static inst() : static

This method performs exactly the same actions as the 'instantiate' static method, but is simply shorter and easier to type!

Return values



Static method to instantiate a new instance of a class.

public static instantiate() : static

A factory method that will create a new instance of the class that has extended 'Ext'. This allows classes to be instantiated and then chained - which otherwise isn't available until PHP 5.4. If using PHP 5.4 or later, simply create a 'new' instance of the target class and chain methods as normal.

Return values

Instantiated class


Get / set join properties.

public join([string|array<string|int, string> $parent = null ][, string|array<string|int, string> $child = null ][, string $table = null ]) : mixed

Define how the SQL will be performed, on what columns. There are basically two types of join that are supported by Editor here, a direct foreign key reference in the join table to the parent table's primary key, or a link table that contains just primary keys for the parent and child tables (this approach is usually used with a Join->type() of 'array' since you can often have multiple links between the two tables, while a direct foreign key reference will typically use a type of 'object' (i.e. a single entry).

$parent : string|array<string|int, string> = null

Parent table's primary key names. If used with a link table (i.e. third parameter to this method is given, then an array should be used, with the first element being the pkey's name in the parent table, and the second element being the key's name in the link table.

$child : string|array<string|int, string> = null

Child table's primary key names. If used with a link table (i.e. third parameter to this method is given, then an array should be used, with the first element being the pkey's name in the child table, and the second element being the key's name in the link table.

$table : string = null

Join table name, if using a link table


Please use the Join->link() method rather than this method now.


Set up a left join operation for the Mjoined data.

public leftJoin(string $table, string $field1, string $operator, string $field2) : $this
$table : string

to get the information from

$field1 : string

the first field to get the information from

$operator : string

the operation to perform on the two fields

$field2 : string

the second field to get the information from

Return values

Create a join link between two tables. The order of the fields does not matter, but each field must contain the table name as well as the field name.

public link(string $field1, string $field2) : $this

This method can be called a maximum of two times for an Mjoin instance:

  • First time, creates a link between the Editor host table and a join table
  • Second time creates the links required for a link table.

Please refer to the Editor Mjoin documentation for further details: https://editor.datatables.net/manual/php

$field1 : string

Table and field name

$field2 : string

Table and field name

Return values


Get / set name.

public name([string $_ = null ]) : mixed

The name of the Join is the JSON property key that is used when 'getting' the data, and the HTTP property key (in a JSON style) when 'setting' data. Typically the name of the db table will be used here, but this method allows that to be overridden.

$_ : string = null

Field name

Return values



Specify the property that the data will be sorted by.

public order([string $_ = null ]) : mixed
$_ : string = null

SQL column name to order the data by


Get / set set attribute.

public set([bool $_ = null ]) : mixed

When set to false no write operations will occur on the join tables. This can be useful when you want to display information which is joined, but want to only perform write operations on the parent table.

$_ : bool = null


Return values



Get / set join table name.

public table([string $_ = null ]) : mixed

Please note that this will also set the Join->name() used by the Join as well. This is for convenience as the JSON output / HTTP input will typically use the same name as the database name. If you want to set a custom name, the Join->name() method must be called after this one.

$_ : string = null

Name of the table to read the join data from

Return values

Name of the join table.


Get / set the join type.

public type([string $_ = null ]) : mixed

The join type allows the data that is returned from the join to be given as an array (i.e. working with multiple possibly results for each record from the parent table), or as an object (i.e. working which one and only one result for each record form the parent table).

$_ : string = null

Join type ('object') or an array of results ('array') for the join.

Return values

Join type.


Set a validator for the array of data (not on a field basis).

public validator(string $fieldName, mixed $fn) : $this
$fieldName : string

Name of the field that any error should be shown against on the client-side

$fn : mixed
Return values


Where condition to add to the query used to get data from the database.

public where([mixed $key = null ][, string|array<string|int, string> $value = null ][, string $op = '=' ]) : mixed

Note that this is applied to the child table.

Can be used in two different ways:

  • Simple case: where( field, value, operator )
  • Complex: where( fn )
$key : mixed = null
$value : string|array<string|int, string> = null

Single field value, or an array of values.

$op : string = '='

Condition operator: <, >, = etc

Return values

Where condition array.


Get / set if the WHERE conditions should be included in the create and edit actions.

public whereSet([bool $_ = null ]) : mixed

This means that the fields which have been used as part of the 'get' WHERE condition (using the where() method) will be set as the values given.

This is default false (i.e. they are not included).

$_ : bool = null

Include (true), or not (false)

Return values

Current value


Common getter / setter function for DataTables classes.

protected _getSet(mixed &$prop, mixed $val[, bool $array = false ]) : mixed

This getter / setter method makes building getter / setting methods easier, by abstracting everything to a single function call.

$prop : mixed

The property to set

$val : mixed

The value to set - if given as null, then we assume that the function is being used as a getter.

$array : bool = false

Treat the target property as an array or not (default false). If used as an array, then values passed in are added to the $prop array.


Determine if a property is available in a data set (allowing `null` to be a valid value).

protected _propExists(string $name, array<string|int, mixed> $data) : bool
$name : string

Javascript dotted object name to write to

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Data source array to read from

Return values

true if present, false otherwise


Read a value from a data structure, using Javascript dotted object notation. This is the inverse of the `_writeProp` method and provides the same support, matching DataTables' ability to read nested JSON data objects.

protected _readProp(string $name, array<string|int, mixed> $data) : mixed
$name : string

Javascript dotted object name to write to

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Data source array to read from

Return values

The read value, or null if no value found.


Write the field's value to an array structure, using Javascript dotted object notation to indicate JSON data structure. For example `name.first` gives the data structure: `name: { first: ... }`. This matches DataTables own ability to do this on the client-side, although this doesn't implement implement quite such a complex structure (no array / function support).

protected _writeProp(array<string|int, mixed> &$out, string $name, mixed $value) : mixed
$out : array<string|int, mixed>

Array to write the data to

$name : string

Javascript dotted object name to write to

$value : mixed

Value to write

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