

Since: Editor 1.3

Activate inline editing.
Please note - this property requires the Editor extension for DataTables.

The full Editor reference documentation is available to registered users of Editor - the information shown below is a summary only. If you already have an Editor license please , alternatively an Editor license can be purchased on this site, or sign up for the free trial.


Editor's inline editing mode is designed to allow rapid editing of one or more fields in a row. The way it operates is to replace the contents of the elements given to edit (in the first parameter) with the inline editing form. Any click on the page outside of the node(s) being edited will blur the inline form (the inline form can also be closed using blur(), close() or the escape key).

Inline editing for a single field is typically activated using a single or double click on the element to be edited (see the examples below) allowing the end user to very quickly edit a field. When the data is submitted to the server, the whole form is submitted, not just the field shown. When inline editing multiple fields an icon or link would typically be used.

Inline editing provides most of the standard form options that Editor's main editing forms also offer through the form-options configuration object. The following options have no effect on inline editing:

  • title
  • info

Since Editor 2.0 inline editing has been able to show multiple fields as editable in the table at the same time. Note that this is limited to a single row only; multi-row editing must still be performed via the main editing form. This is activated by passing in a selector or DataTables API instance which selects the cells you wish to trigger inline editing on.