Editor examples index
As with DataTables, examples play an important part of learning how to use Editor and then progressing on to some really quite advanced implementations. The examples provided show different options available in Editor and can be combined to create an editable table that exactly meets your requirements.
Simple initialisation
- Basic initialisation
- Multi-row editing
- Field types
- Setting defaults
- Local table editing
- Internationalisation (local)
- Internationalisation (from JSON file)
- Server-side processing
- Custom form layout / templates (attributes)
- Custom form layout / templates (tags)
- Join tables - working with multiple SQL tables
Advanced initialisation
- Data shown only in the form
- Data shown in table only
- Multi-item editing (rows, columns, cells)
- REST interface
- Complex (nested) JSON data source
- Ajax override - using localStorage for the data source
- Row ID source specification
- Compound database primary key
- DOM sourced table
- Join tables - self referencing join
- Join tables - link table
- Join tables - Cascading lists
- Join tables - one-to-many join
- File upload
- File upload (many)
- Parent child editor
DataTables extensions
- Excel like keyboard navigation
- Excel like AutoFill feature
- AutoFill and KeyTable together
- Export buttons
- CSV import
- Responsive table extension
- Row reordering
- SearchBuilder - server-side processing
- SearchBuilder - Predefined criteria
- SearchBuilder - Select elements
- SearchPanes - server-side processing
- SearchPanes - Cascade panes
- SearchPanes - View total
Inline editing
- Simple inline editing
- Tab between columns
- Editing options - submit on blur
- Editing options - submit full row data
- Inline editing with a submit button
- Edit icon
- Joined tables
- Selected columns only
- Responsive integration
- FixedColumns integration
- Server-side processing
- Whole row - icon controls
- Whole row - any cell activation
- Whole row - inline create
- Whole row - blur submit
- Bootstrap 3
- Bootstrap 4
- Bootstrap 5
- Bootstrap 5 with floating labels
- Foundation
- Bulma
- Fomantic-UI (formally Semantic-UI)
- jQuery UI
- Field display styling options
- Multi-column layout
- Large window layout
- Stacked inputs
- Envelope display controller
- Envelope display with in table controls
- Custom form layout / templates